17 Jul “The Stories We Tell, and Don’t Tell, About Asian-American Lives” via The New Yorker

I’m mentioned in this New Yorker article in which “a literary critic and a psychotherapist study broken narratives and missing words to understand what a diverse cohort has in common.”
Read an excerpt:
“In 1971, the writer Shawn Wong was browsing a used bookstore when he came across a novel called “No-No Boy,” which had been published in 1957 by someone named John Okada. “No one knew anything about it,” Wong, who now teaches at the University of Washington, recently told the Los Angeles Times. Okada’s novel depicted the lives of Japanese-Americans after the Second World War. Wong, together with his friends and fellow-writers Frank Chin and Jeffrey Paul Chan, tried to get ahold of Okada, only to find out that he had died, just months before.”