13 Jun “‘No-No Boy’ went from unknown book to classic thanks to UW Press and Asian American writers. Now, it’s at the center of a controversy.” via The Seattle Times

Moira Macdonald, Seattle Times arts critic, wrote a piece about the controversy surrounding Penguin’s recent publication of John Okada’s “No-No Boy”.
Here’s an excerpt:
“My position is that Penguin should withdraw the distribution and recall all copies,” said Wong, who notes that the Penguin edition does not contain the original material by Inada and Chin. “The publishing history of ‘No-No Boy’ is as important as the book itself,” he said, remembering how he would sell copies of the original CARP edition out of the trunk of his old Mustang in the 1970s. “To publish the book without acknowledging that publishing history is publishing a very incomplete story.”